Spooky Halloween Bucket of Sweets

Product ID:GGB-4752
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Spooky Halloween Bucket of Sweets

Not scary at all, just a little bit spooky, this haunted gift bucket is filled with tasty treats, so pleasant memories are guaranteed. Offer your kids the best moments for Halloween, give them love and some sweets they will enjoy a lot.


  • Caramel Popcorn
  • Halloween Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Kettlecorn
  • Gummy Twin Snakes
  • Peanut M&Ms
  • Cotton Candy
  • Plain M&Ms
  • Pumpkin Marshmallow Peeps
  • Skittles Mix Candy

For the convenience of our customers and to ensure no inconvenience with your recipient, we do not ship invoices along with the gift. We will email them to you directly upon purchase.

Spooky Halloween Bucket of Sweets can be delivered:


  • Standard ground shipping 1-5 business days FREE
  • 3 Day Express Delivery + $9.90
  • 2 Day Express Delivery + $14.90
  • Overnight Delivery + $49.00*
  • Saturday delivery + $44.95

Exception: HI & AK + $20 (no delivery to Puerto Rico)

*Please note that the price for Overnight Delivery may vary depending on the warehouse or shipping state. You will be notified about that change during Checkout.

You can update desired delivery date and shipping method during checkout!


Orders received by 10 am EDT will be shipped on the same day. Orders placed after that time will be shipped on the next business day.


There are no deliveries on Sunday or public holidays.


Read more about our Shipping & Returns policy.

Customer Reviews

Posted on 10/25/2019
5 of 5
Everyone was impressed with the goodies provided in this attractive gift. Puts a smile on everyone's face!
Posted on 2/06/2015
5 of 5
My recipients loved this gift. The product was better than expected. EXTREMLY happy and impressed.

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