Here at, we know that our customers expect us to keep client data private and secure. This is what our privacy policy is all about.

To put it simply, we don’t ask you to give us your personal information unless we really need it.

We don’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law, stop credit card fraud or protect the personal safety of our site visitors or the public.

We don’t store personal information on our servers unless it is being used as part of our on-going relationship with you.

Please read the following statement carefully because by visiting, you agree to the practices described below.

Privacy Policy Statement

We may retain the e-mail addresses of those who send us messages via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, and do not collect any information on consumers who browse our Web page. The information is collected to improve the overall quality of our Web page, notify customers about website updates and contact consumers for marketing purposes and is not shared with third parties for commercial purposes.

Persons who give us their telephone numbers may be contacted by phone for customer service purposes if they do not reply to emails. If you do not wish to receive emails or telephone calls from us, please let us know by sending us e-mail at

We will provide your shipping information to FedEx, UPS, USPS and other delivery services for obvious reasons. The information that we provide concerns only the specific order being shipped by them. It is supplied via secure email, ftp or http. We will also securely transfer your credit card information which will be used only for the purpose of processing of the specific order to the appropriate credit card company.

Our policy regarding security:

We encrypt and protect the security of your information during transmission through the Internet by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software. We reveal only a part of your credit card number when we confirm your order. Information stored in our customer database is safeguarded using appropriate security measures to protect our customers against any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or alteration of client information.

Our policy regarding cookies:

We use cookies to store user preferences, help you avoid reentering all your data at each connection, record session information, and deliver content specific to customer interests and better service for return visitors.

Our business is constantly developing, and this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Please check this web page to see if there are any changes. However, we will always treat your information respectfully and will not use data collected before the policy change.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, please contact us at